Exclusion fencing can be a sound investment to maximise the productivity of your land. It can:
- Reduce the cost of damage to your fences
- Preserve your pasture, improve your stocking rates and protect your crops
- Help you achieve consistent feed availability rather than peaks and troughs
- Support adequate “spelling” or resting time for your paddocks.
For example, by reducing or eliminating kangaroo/deer pressure and overgrazing, you will have more feed to last through the season and the ability to rest your paddocks. Or perhaps you want to protect a vineyard, veggie patch or fruit trees – it’s all possible.
Pest animals and approaches
Kangaroos, deer, foxes and rabbits are the most common threats to land, livestock and infrastructure, and can be either reduced or eliminated with exclusion fencing.
Kangaroo and deer can be targeted with either:
- Semi exclusion fencing, which is a plan wire fence with a number of electrified wires. Some animals will breach this style of fence, however most will be deterred; or
- Full exclusion fencing which is 1.8 metre high woven wire with an apron on the ground. This may include an offset electric wire.
Rabbits can be targeted with wire netting and an apron either on or in the ground.
What kind of fence do I need?
The first step in identifying the right exclusion fence for your property is to identify your threats and a clear objective. For example, kangaroos may be your main threat and your objective may be to eliminate, not just reduce, these numbers.
Next you need to identify where the pressure on your fences is coming from – under, over or through. Contrary to popular belief, the first choice for most animals is usually to go under, not over a fence.
You will also need to consider the type of soil and terrain where your fence will be installed, the number and style of access points and any watercourses you need to traverse.
Using this information, you can determine the appropriate wire, configuration and height of the fence to meet your requirements.
Contact us for more help and advice
Reynolds Rural Contracting can work with you to design the right exclusion fence for your property. To request a quote, please fill out the form below.